How to Hack Games with C++ and Cheat Engine

How to Hack Games with C++ and Cheat Engine

How to Hack Games with C++ and Cheat Engine

  #How to Hack Games with C++ and Cheat Engine]

Hacking a game is the process of editing the game's source code or memory to gain an advantage. For example, you may hack a game to get more health, lives, ammo, or money. Hacking a game normally requires a sufficient understanding of how the game is built and knowing what you need to edit. However, there are hacking tools that work with a variety of games.

In this blog post, I will show you how to hack games with C++ and Cheat Engine. C++ is a programming language that can be used to create your own hacks or cheats for games. Cheat Engine is a tool that can scan and modify the memory of a running game.

Before we start, you need to download and install Cheat Engine from . You also need a C++ compiler such as Visual Studio or Code::Blocks. And of course, you need a game that you want to hack.

The steps are as follows:

1) Start the game and run it in windowed mode if possible. This will make it easier to switch between the game and Cheat Engine.

2) Run Cheat Engine as an administrator and click the icon that resembles a computer monitor. This will open a list of processes running on your computer.

3) Find and select the process that corresponds to your game. For example, if you are playing Left 4 Dead 2 on Steam, look for "left4dead2.exe". Click Open to attach Cheat Engine to the game process.

4) In Cheat Engine, click the icon that resembles a magnifying glass. This will open the Value Scan window where you can search for values in the game memory.

5) In the Value Scan window, enter the value that you want to change in the game. For example, if you want to change your health, enter your current health value in the Value field. Make sure you select the correct value type (such as 4 Bytes for integers) and scan type (such as Exact Value).

6) Click First Scan and wait for Cheat Engine to find all addresses that match your value. You should see a list of addresses on the left panel of Cheat Engine.

7) Go back to your game and change your value by doing something in-game. For example, if you want to change your health, take some damage or heal yourself.

8) Go back to Cheat Engine and enter your new value in the Value field. Click Next Scan and wait for Cheat Engine to narrow down the list of addresses.

9) Repeat steps 7 and 8 until you find one or few addresses that always match your value. These are likely pointers or offsets that point to your value in memory.

10) Select one address from the list and right-click it. Select Add Address Manually from

the menu.

11) In the Add Address Manually window, copy-paste

the address into both Pointer field

and Address field

and click OK

12) Double-click

the address under Address column


the bottom panel of Cheat Engine

and copy-paste it into Notepad or any text editor

13) Now we have found an address that points

to our value in memory

We can use C++

to read/write this address using pointers

14) Open your C++ compiler/IDE (such as Visual Studio or Code::Blocks)

and create a new project/console application

15) In your main.cpp file,

include these headers:

#include <iostream>

#include <windows.h>

using namespace std;

16) Declare these variables:

DWORD pid; //process id of our game

HANDLE phandle; //handle for our game process

17) Use this function 

to get 

the process id 

of our game by its name:

void GetProcessIdByName(const char* name)


    PROCESSENTRY32 pe32;

    HANDLE hSnapshot = NULL;

    hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS , 0);

    if(hSnapshot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)


        cout << "Error: Unable 

to create toolhelp snapshot!" << endl;



    pe32.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);

    if(!Process32First(hSnapshot , &pe32))


        cout << "Error: Process32First() failed!" << endl;


