how to make a java script game in mobile

how to make a java script game in mobile

how to make a java script game in mobile

 #how to make a java script game in mobile

How to Make a JavaScript Game in Mobile

JavaScript is a popular programming language that can be used to create interactive web applications and games. However, JavaScript is not limited to the web browser. You can also use it to develop mobile games that run on Android and iOS devices. In this blog post, we will show you how to make a simple JavaScript game in mobile using a framework called Phaser.

Phaser is an open-source game engine that supports both Canvas and WebGL rendering. It has a rich set of features, such as sprites, animations, physics, sound, input, and more. Phaser also has a friendly and active community that provides tutorials, examples, and plugins.

To get started with Phaser, you need to download the latest version from the official website: You can choose between the full version or the minified version. The full version contains all the features and documentation comments, while the minified version is smaller and faster to load.

Next, you need to set up a local web server to host your game files. You can use any web server software that you are familiar with, such as Apache, Nginx, or Node.js. Alternatively, you can use a simple tool called http-server that you can install with npm:

npm install -g http-server

Once you have installed http-server, you can run it from the command line in the folder where you have your game files:


This will start a web server on port 8080 by default. You can then access your game from your browser by typing http://localhost:8080 in the address bar.

To make your game compatible with mobile devices, you need to add some meta tags in the head section of your HTML file. These meta tags tell the browser how to scale and display your game on different screen sizes and orientations. For example:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">

<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black-translucent">

The first meta tag sets the viewport width to match the device width and disables zooming. The second meta tag enables fullscreen mode on iOS devices when the game is added to the home screen. The third meta tag changes the status bar color to black with transparency on iOS devices.

Now that you have set up your environment, you can start coding your game. Phaser uses a modular structure that allows you to organize your code into different scenes or states. A scene is a logical unit of your game that contains all the objects and logic for a specific part of your game, such as the menu, the level, or the game over screen.

To create a scene in Phaser, you need to extend the Phaser.Scene class and implement some methods that define its behavior. For example:

class MainScene extends Phaser.Scene {

  constructor() {



  preload() {

    // load assets here


  create() {

    // create objects here


  update() {

    // update logic here



The constructor method takes a unique key as an argument that identifies the scene. The preload method is where you load all the assets that you need for your scene, such as images, sounds, fonts, etc. The create method is where you create all the objects that belong to your scene, such as sprites, texts, buttons, etc. The update method is where you write all the logic that updates your scene every frame, such as collision detection, user input, animations, etc.

To add your scene to the game instance, you need to pass it as an argument in the config object when you create a new Phaser.Game object. For example:

var config = {

  type: Phaser.AUTO,

  width: 800,

  height: 600,

  scene: MainScene


var game = new Phaser.Game(config);

The config object also contains other properties that define the basic settings of your game, such as the type of renderer (Canvas or WebGL), the width and height of the canvas element, and other optional parameters.

To test your game on mobile devices, you need to connect them to the same network as your computer and access your game from their browsers using your computer's IP address instead of localhost. For example:

You can also use tools like ngrok or localtunnel to expose your local web server to the internet and access it from anywhere.

This is just a brief introduction to making a JavaScript game in mobile using Phaser. There are many more features and possibilities that you can explore with this framework. You can find more information and resources on the official website: phaser